Gwefan llywodraeth y DU

Nodwch fod gan y wefan hon system allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU

Gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gyd yn un lle

Trefn llywio pennaf

Dydd Mercher, 3 Hydref 2012

Prevented from driving?

You will not be able to use this service if you are:

  • disqualified from driving or holding a licence by a magistrates court or any other court;
  • disqualified by reason of age;
  • are the holder of another licence; or

Your licence has been revoked:

  • by the DVLA for medical reasons;
  • because it has been issued in error;
  • by a magistrate or any other court for a non-driving offence;

Allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU