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Skills Health Check Tools

Skills Health Check Tool FAQs

What are skills and why are they important?

A skill is something you've learned how to do. You've probably got lots of skills you're not aware of. Identifying your skills can really help you focus on which jobs might be good for you. You might be surprised how many jobs your skills will match!

How do I find out which skills I've got?

On our Skills Health Check you will be asked a number of questions. The questions cover a broad range of areas, like 'Working with numbers' for example, which assesses if you have the right skills for jobs that involve working with figures.

You may be asked how much you agree with statements such as 'I am good at writing correctly' or 'I am able to come up with new ideas'. In this section it's up to you to be as honest as possible about what you feel your strengths and weaknesses are. This way the results will be an accurate reflection of who you are. And don't worry about admitting weaknesses - you are the only person who sees the report at the end. It's not a test!

Based on your answers, you'll get a list of jobs that could be suitable for you. When you've finished you can print out your personal profile and discuss it with an adviser if you wish.

How long does it take to do?

Each assessment takes about 10 minutes but you can work at your own pace and take as long as you want.

Will my details be confidential?

The information you enter and your personal profile can only be seen by you. It's your choice if you wish to speak to an adviser about the report results.

Why can't I see my scores or the correct answers?

The idea of the tests is to see if you might like working with certain types of information rather than to test your ability in those areas.

You may really enjoy working with numbers or words for example but perhaps you are not currently that strong in those areas.

The report at the end of the Skills Health Check will tell you how you did but this should certainly not put you off pursuing any particular job! If you are not as strong in a particular area there's an opportunity for you to work towards improving your skills or knowledge in that area. We have details of hundreds of courses on our site.

Can I access reports that I have already done?

You can, as long as you are logged in to your Lifelong Learning Account and you started a report after 8th June 2010.

Start your Skills Health Check

Already started creating your Skills Health Check?

If you've already started a Skills Health Check, but didn't quite finish, you can enter your unique code below to continue your progress.

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