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Courses and learning

Funding advice

Learning usually costs something, whether you're planning to do a full-time, part-time or self-study course. You can find information and advice on how to pay for your learning, what support is out there for you and where to find it.

Is learning good value?

Learning new skills may cost a little — but not learning new skills can cost you more in the long run. If you keep your skills up-to-date you will have a wider choice of jobs, possibly earn more and be in demand by employers.

What types of funding are there?

Funding for courses and training could be:

  • a bursary or grant, which you don't have to pay back
  • a loan, which you do have to pay back
  • other financial help towards fees or day-to-day living costs.

Funding may be from a public body (like an education authority), a private organisation (like a bank) or an educational charity.

Grants or bursaries can be available to support learners in certain circumstances or studying particular courses.

If you want help with course fees for work-related learning, check out if you might be eligible for a Professional and Career Development Loan.

Some courses are free, or paid for by someone else, such as an employer.

Funding for degrees and postgraduate courses

Find out more about student finance if you are thinking of applying to college or university to do a higher education course.

Very little postgraduate funding is statutory, so you might have to hunt around for it. If you put in the legwork, you'll increase your chances of getting funding.

Where to find funding help

You may be eligible for help towards the cost of your course, childcare or day-to-day living costs, depending on your situation.

Use the links below to find out what you could be entitled to:

Tips on searching for funding

Make sure you check all sources of funding. What you are eligible for usually depends upon your circumstances and which subject you're planning to study. Find out from the learning provider what the rules are for the subject you want to study.

Don't forget to take into account extra expenses, such as books, equipment, travel costs, field trips, registration and exam fees.

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