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Job profiles

Fine artist

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If you are a very creative person with original ideas, and you have talent in one or more artistic areas, this job could be for you.

Fine artists create original works of art using a variety of methods such as painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving, printmaking or photography.

In this job you will need a good appreciation of colour and shape. You will need self-motivation to work alone. You may also need business skills to promote your work.

If you are exceptionally talented you may not need any formal training. However, most fine artists have BTEC qualifications or a degree.

The work

As a fine artist you could:

  • work from your own ideas or to an order (known as a 'commission') from an individual or an organisation
  • sell your work through an agent or through galleries, exhibitions, shops, craft markets and fairs
  • research subjects and materials
  • display your work for sale on your own website or an online gallery
  • network with agents, dealers and galleries
  • attend exhibitions and join artists’ groups.

As well as selling your work, you could also:

  • work as ‘artist in residence’ – running classes and workshops in places such as schools, prisons or hospitals
  • teach art classes privately, in colleges or through community learning
  • run local art projects.

Creative Choices has information for those wanting to become artists and tells the stories of people who are working in visual arts.


You would arrange your own working hours, which could involve fitting your art work around another full-time or part-time job.

You may work in a studio, at home, in rented space within a shared studio, or in specialist facilities such as a print or sculpture workshop.


Earnings will differ greatly depending on work opportunities and reputation.

It is common for fine artists to earn their living from a combination of exhibiting and selling their creative work and other part-time or full-time jobs.

Entry requirements

To be successful, you will need a high level of skill and talent in your chosen art form. If you are exceptionally talented you may be able to sell your work without formal training or qualifications. However, most fine artists have some training in art or design which might include qualifications such as BTEC National Certificates or Diploma, a BTEC HND or a degree.

You should check with colleges and universities for their entry requirements. For HND and degree courses you will be asked to present a portfolio of your work and you could be accepted onto some courses just on the strength of this.

You will need to network and sell your work – you can either do this yourself or use an agent. An agent may give you access to more potential buyers, but they will take commission from sales.

Visit the Association of Illustrators (AOI) website for listings of agents, publishers, advertising agencies and other specialist organisations such as children's book publishers. As an AOI member, you can promote your work by listing your contact details and displaying samples of your work on the AOI website.

The Society of Artists Agents website also has details of agents, as well as examples of artists' work, which will give you an idea of the standards of work in demand.

You could also set up your own website to showcase your work.

Visit a-n The Artists Information Company website for advice and resources on all aspects of working in the visual arts – you will need to subscribe to use some of the resources. The Writers and Artists Yearbook also has advice and useful links for artists.

Training and development

You could develop your techniques and ideas by attending courses at all levels.

Artquest is a source of advice and information about training, funding, finding studio space, selling and exhibiting. The Artquest website is mainly aimed at artists in London, but much of the information is useful wherever you are based.

Membership of organisations such as the Association of Illustrators (AOL) is also useful for training opportunities, advice, networking and support.

Skills and knowledge

To be a fine artist you should have:

  • a high level of creativity
  • a good appreciation of colour and shape
  • self-motivation
  • willingness to work alone
  • business skills to promote and market your work
  • the ability to cope with a changing workload.

More information

Shape (Opens new window)
Deane House Studios
27 Greenwood Place
Tel: 0845 521 3457
Minicom: 020 7424 7368

Society of Artists Agents (Opens new window)

a-n (The Artists Information Company)(Opens new window)

Arts Council England (Opens new window)
Tel: 0845 300 6200

Association of Illustrators (Opens new window)
2nd Floor
Back Building
150 Curtain Road
Tel: 020 7613 4328

Creative and Cultural Skills (Opens new window)
Lafone House
The Leathermarket
Weston Street London


Your local regional arts board (contact details on the Arts Council website) will advise on possible funding and studio space. The Arts Council website is also a useful source of information on local and national arts projects and initiatives that you could get involved in.

Your success will depend on the amount of work you are able to sell. You may need to combine your art with work in related areas such as teaching, community arts, gallery management, critical writing, project management and creative consultancy, or in a completely different area.

Your fine arts training could help towards moving into other areas, such as art therapy or art restoration and conservation.

Job profiles are based on the latest information supplied to us by industry bodies, such as Sector Skills Councils. Please be aware that with the introduction of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (Opens in a new window) there has been, and will continue to be, changes to vocational qualifications. For more information, please check with industry bodies directly.

We do not accept responsibility for the content of external sites.

Related industry information

Industry summary

The visual arts industry is part of the creative and cultural industries, represented by the Creative and Cultural Skills Sector Skills Council, which also includes: craft; cultural heritage; literature; design; music; and performing arts. The creative and cultural industries currently employ 678,480, people, of which 24% are based in London. There are 74,640 businesses in the creative and cultural industries, of which 87% employ less than 10 people.

The UK visual arts industry employs a range of people in an array of different jobs and practices. The workforce is dominated by individuals and sole traders – artists, freelancers, consultants, interns and volunteers. Many also contribute to education programmes and community work. Employers are museums, galleries, studios, arts centres, public sector agencies, public art agencies, educational bodies, studio organisations, festivals and art fairs. The industry is supported by technicians, curators, managers, publicists, academics, educators, project managers, art theorists, critics and more.

The visual arts industry is linked to other industries, such as advertising, interactive media, games, publishing and design. Many of visual arts skills are transferable to other creative professions.

Key facts:

  • There are 37,480 people working in the visual arts, of which 76% are artists and 24% are in art retail.
  • There was a 17% increase in workforce numbers between 2004 and 2006.
  • There are 4,580 businesses, of which 82% employ less than 50 people.
  • Visual arts contribute £1.9 billion to the UK economy.
  • 70% of those in the visual arts are self‐employed.
  • 14% of the workforce is part‐time.
  • Men (66%) are more likely to have a level 4 qualification than women (58%).
  • 57% of those working in visual arts have at least a level 4 qualification.
  • Women are likely to earn less money than men (71% of women earn less than £10,000 per year, compared to 40% of men).
  • Many visual artists have portfolio careers combining a variety of different jobs.

Jobs in the industry include: animator, art editor, art exhibition organiser, art handler, art valuer, arts administrator, attendant/gallery staff, development arts – staff, illustrator, manager ‐ arts centre, sculptor, technical illustrator.

National and regional data

Northern Ireland – There are 11,640 people working in the Northern Ireland creative and cultural sector. 1% of the UK visual arts workforce is located in Northern Ireland. In Northern Ireland, the visual arts industry contributes £16 million to the UK economy. More than 99% of the visual arts workforce is white. 22% of the workforce is male. 51% of the visual arts workforce in Northern Ireland is self‐employed.

Scotland – There are 45,420 people working in the Scottish creative and cultural sector. 7% of the UK visual arts workforce is located in Scotland. The visual arts industry in Scotland contributes £47 million to the UK economy. 85% of the visual arts workforce is white. 33% of the workforce is male. 68% of the visual arts workforce in Scotland is self‐employed.

Wales – There are 24,060 people working in the Welsh creative and cultural sector. 7% of the UK visual arts workforce is located in Wales. In Wales, it contributes £36 million to the UK economy. 96% of the workforce is white. 55% of the workforce is male. 81% of the Welsh visual arts workforce is self‐employed.

[N.B. The data for the following regions are for the creative and cultural sector as a whole.]

East Midlands – There are 44,380 people in the sector workforce in the region, representing 7% of the UK sector workforce. There are 3,950 creative businesses in the region, of which 92% employ less than 50 people. 35% of the workforce is self-employed. 63% of the workforce is male. 95% of the sector workforce is white and 54% are under 40 years.

East of England – There are 63,700 people in the sector workforce in the region, representing 9% of the UK sector workforce. There are 6,710 creative businesses in the region, of which 93% employ less than 50 people. 37% of the workforce is self-employed. 66% of the workforce is male. 95% of the sector workforce is white and 46% are under 40 years.

London – There are 164,690 people in the sector workforce in London, representing 24% of the UK sector workforce. There are 21,600 creative businesses, of which 93% employ less than 50 people. 51% of the workforce is self-employed. 58% of the workforce is male. 84% of the sector workforce is white and 56% are under 40 years.

North East – There are 19,680 people in the sector workforce in the region, representing 3% of the UK sector workforce. There are 1,330 creative businesses in the region, of which 90% employ less than 50 people. 38% of the workforce is self-employed. 63% of the workforce is male. 96% of the sector workforce is white and 53% are under 40 years.

North West – There are 59,580 people in the sector workforce in the region, representing 9% of the UK sector workforce. There are 5,660 creative businesses in the region, of which 91% employ less than 50 people. 34% of the workforce is self-employed; the majority of who are in arts and music. 62% of the workforce is male. 95% of the sector workforce is white and 55% are under 40 years.

South East – There are 98,170 people in the sector workforce in the region, representing 14% of the UK sector workforce. There are 12,300 creative businesses in the region, of which 93% employ less than 50 people. 43% of the workforce is self-employed. 59% of the workforce is male. 97% of the sector workforce is white and 47% are under 40 years.

South West – There are 60,690 people in the sector workforce in the region, representing 9% of the UK sector workforce. There are approximately 5,000 creative businesses in the region, of which 93% employ less than 50 people. 47% of the workforce is self-employed in arts, design and music. 59% of the workforce is male. 98% of the sector workforce is white and 46% are under 40 years.

West Midlands – There are 40,300 people in the sector workforce in the region, representing 6% of the UK sector workforce. There are approximately 5,000 creative businesses in the region, of which 91% employ less than 50 people. 31% of the workforce is self-employed, which is the lowest regional figure. 58% of the workforce is male. 91% of the sector workforce is white and 49% are under 40 years.

Yorkshire and the Humber – There are 45,900 people in the sector workforce in the region, representing 7% of the UK sector workforce. There are ;fewer than 4,000 creative businesses in the region, of which 90% employ less than 50 people. 40% of the workforce is self-employed. 60% of the workforce is male. 97% of the sector workforce is white and 53% are under 40 years.

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