Finding a job
Other places to find advertised vacancies
Increase your chances of success by using a variety of vacancy sources and job-hunting methods, such as newspaper advertisements and jobcentres. If you cast your net wide you might just catch the big fish!
Newspapers - local and national
You can find jobs advertised in a wide range of publications from national daily papers such as The Times and The Mirror, to local and regional daily or weekly papers. You can search for regional newspapers on the Newspaper Society's website.
You will also find regional and national jobs-only papers. Ask your local newsagent to find out which papers are available in your area.
Professional or specialist journals
Jobs are also advertised in journals or trade magazines for your area of work. Subscription is often free if you're already in the industry. Large newsagents and libraries also stock these.
As well as carrying job vacancies, they include news on which companies are expanding and which have won new contracts. Even if they are not actually advertising vacancies you might like to approach these companies to make a speculative or ‘on spec’ application. Our beginner's guide to networking can show you how to do this.
You can find out which journals cover your area of work by reading the 'What opportunities are there?' section of our job profiles.
Jobcentres offer the following facilities:
- Job boards with vacancy details on them
- Jobpoints - touch-screens with job vacancies
- Jobseeker Direct (Tel 0845 60 60 234) - a phone service where you can get details of job vacancies, request application forms and arrange interviews.
Personal advisors can help you find the vacancies that are right for you, whether you're looking for your first job or returning to work. They can also tell you about government training schemes open to you. They will take into account any additional needs you might have, such as childcare or if you have a disability.
Careers service offices
Careers offices advertise vacancies with local employers. These may be immediate vacancies or training vacancies, such as apprenticeships. Even if they don't hold any actual vacancies, it's likely they'll be in touch with local businesses so they might have the inside track on who's expanding or recruiting. Next Step is the careers service for adults, anyone under 19 should visit Directgov.