Gwefan llywodraeth y DU

Nodwch fod gan y wefan hon system allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU

Gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gyd yn un lle

Trefn llywio pennaf

Dydd Mercher, 3 Hydref 2012

Safe jobseeking

When you are looking for work no matter how the job has been advertised, it is always your responsibility to protect your own safety. Here are some basic tips on protecting your personal details and steps you can take to protect yourself when looking for work.

Be safe when jobseeking

Jobcentre Plus have produced the following basic tips on how to stay safe when looking for work.

Telephone Numbers

You should never phone a premium rate number to find out more information about a job vacancy. This is because they are very expensive to call. Premium rate numbers usually start with the numbers 070 or 090.

If you phone a number starting with 0871 to ask about a job vacancy, it should be answered within five minutes. If it is not, do not:

  • continue with the phone call
  • keep trying to call the number

This is because calls to 0871 numbers can be expensive.

Asking or applying for a job

When asking or applying for a job you should never:

  • give your personal financial details, like your bank account number
  • give your National Insurance number
  • give your date of birth
  • give your driving licence number
  • give your passport number
  • give out copies of your utility bills
  • provide a photograph
  • provide any other details you believe to be personal

You may need to provide these details when you actually have a proper job offer or start a job.

You should also never:

  • pay any fees upfront for help with job searches or training
  • allow the interview to take place in your own home
  • talk about personal matters that have nothing to do with the job
  • accept a lift from the person interviewing you

You should always consider:

  • finding out as much as you can about the company or the person the interview is with
  • how you will get to the interview and back
  • telling a friend or relative where you are going and what time you expect to be back
  • trying to arrange for someone to collect you if the interview takes place outside normal working hours
  • make sure the interview is at the company's place of work or in a suitable public place

For jobs that offer a place to live with them, always make sure you check out the accommodation before accepting the job. If possible don't go alone, even if this means a friend or family member has to wait outside for you.

Getting more help and advice

If you have any concerns about a job vacancy, please ask Jobcentre Plus for advice. For example, if you:

  • think that the job is offering too much money for what it is
  • are not sure about the company

Provided by Jobcentre Plus

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Gall gwirfoddoli eich helpu chi a’ch cymuned – cael gwybod mwy

Dechrau masnachfraint

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dod yn hunangyflogedig, efallai y bydd dechrau masnachfraint yn opsiwn sy’n werth ei ystyried

Allweddumynediad llywodraeth y DU