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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

State Pension profiler

The State Pension profiler uses information you provide to quickly estimate how much basic State Pension you may get. This is based on your National Insurance contributions to date. It will also tell you the earliest you may get it. Before you use the profiler read 'Important information' below.

What is the State Pension?

For most people the State Pension is made up of two parts, the basic State Pension and the additional State Pension. Some individuals may also receive Graduated Retirement Benefit if they paid graduated National Insurance contributions before 5 April 1975. Different people get different amounts.

To find out more about the basic State Pension and additional State Pension, see the following links.

Who should use the State Pension profiler

The State Pension profiler is aimed at people who have not yet reached their State Pension age.

If you have already reached your State Pension age, the State Pension profiler may be of less relevance to you. But it may give you some important information about the State Pension.

What the State Pension profiler gives you

The State Pension profiler will give you:

  • an estimate of how many years of National Insurance contributions you may have to date
  • details of how much basic State Pension you may get based on your National Insurance contributions record to date
  • the earliest date you may get your State Pension, based on the rules as they apply to you
  • information on how you may fill any gaps in your National Insurance (NI) contributions record
  • information about the State Pension, including how you may be affected by proposed changes

As the profiler uses a simplified calculation, it can’t take into account every circumstance that might affect the exact number of your qualifying years.

When making decisions about your future finances, you should not rely on this tool without seeking advice.

Estimating your additional State Pension

The State Pension profiler will not give you an estimate of any additional State Pension and, if appropriate, Graduated Retirement Benefit you may become entitled to based on your National Insurance contributions.

The amount of additional State Pension you may get depends on a number of circumstances, such as:

  • the amount of money you earn each year during your working life
  • whether you are or have ever been contracted out of the additional State Pension

You can find out more about your possible State Pension entitlement, including additional State Pension and Graduated Retirement Benefit, by getting an estimate of your State Pension.

How you get this estimate will depend on whether you are a:

  • woman born before 6 April 1953, man born before 6 April 2023
  • woman born on or after 6 April 1953, man born on or after 6 April 2023

Using the profiler

The State Pension profiler will open in a new window. It will take around ten minutes to complete, depending on your personal circumstances. Use the 'Next' and 'Back' buttons on each screen to navigate through it. Please do not use your web browser's 'Forward' and 'Back' buttons, as this may cause errors.

To make sure you get the best possible information, you will be asked to give some details about yourself. This may include information about any spouse or civil partner. None of this information will be stored or shared with anyone else.

Important information

The information provided by the State Pension profiler is based on UK law as it currently stands, and on the information you provide.

Future changes to the State Pension

The government is proposing to simplify the State Pension. Anyone reaching State Pension age before the reforms are introduced will continue to receive their State Pension in line with current rules. More details will be published in the autumn.

State Pension age increases

The Pensions Act 2011 changed the age when some people can get their State Pension. The State Pension age given to you by the profiler takes account of the change.

Change of State Pension age to 67

The government has announced its intention to bring forward the date for increasing the State Pension age to 67. This change, if approved by Parliament, will affect everyone born between 6 April 2023 and 5 April 2023 (inclusive).

Find out more about the latest proposals.

Changes to State Pension age beyond 67

Under current law State Pension age starts to increase to 68 from 2044. This would affect anyone born after 5 April 1977. However, future changes to State Pension age will take into account changes in life expectancy. More details will be published in the autumn.

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