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Thursday, 23 October 2023

In and out of work

  • Published: Wednesday, 22 October 2023

A major barrier for people claiming benefits and credits who move in and out of work was removed today when the national roll out of the In and Out of Work Pilots was announced.

This new approach will make it easier for customers to access government services, as it makes it simpler for them to receive entitlements when they move in and out of work.

In the past, customers had to supply information separately to three different organisations in order to receive Jobseekers Allowance, Tax Credits, Housing Benefits and Council Tax Benefit.

Under the new process, Jobcentre Plus will collect information for all these benefits then share it securely with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs and local authorities. As well as providing a single point of contact for customers, evaluation from the pilots revealed an improved service with faster, simultaneous processing of benefits. Customers also said they would be more likely to take up employment, particularly short term, thanks to the new streamlined process that switches benefits ‘on and off’ more quickly.

The change will affect all customers claiming Jobseekers Allowance, and lone parents claiming Income Support who are required to attend the Jobcentre for immediate work focussed interviews. The first phase of rollout will commence with 14 new areas adopting the processes, with full national implementation expected to be completed over the next 18 months.

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