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Thursday, 23 October 2023

Domestic violence: six new special courts announced

  • Published: Wednesday, 22 October 2023

Victims of domestic violence will receive extra help and support from six new specialist domestic violence courts.

"Just because domestic violence goes on behind closed doors doesn't mean we can ignore the issue. It's a crime and will not be tolerated in our society"

Justice Minister, Bridget Prentice

The new courts will be in the East Midlands (Corby, Daventry, Kettering, Northampton, Towcester, Wellingborough and Loughborough), Sunderland, Manchester, Banbury and Barry.

They bring the current number of Specialist Domestic Violence Courts (SDVCs) in England and Wales to 104.

By bringing together police, prosecutors, court staff, the probation service and specialist support services these courts help to ensure that more offenders are brought to justice and specialist help and support is available for their victims. Key features are:

  • criminal justice staff and magistrates specially trained to deal with domestic violence cases
  • cases clustered on a particular day to enable all agencies to focus their specialist resources
  • tailored support and advice for victims from independent domestic violence advisors.

The SDVC network is central to the government's package of support for domestic violence victims, and helps boost their confidence that perpetrators will be prosecuted.

Over the past four years the number of domestic violence prosecutions has doubled and an average of 70% of cases now result in a successful prosecution.

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