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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Using scaffolding safely

Find out about hiring and licensing your scaffolding, plus related safety aspects and building regulations.

Hiring scaffolding

To hire scaffolding you'll need to contact a scaffolding hire company. Your local council may have a list of approved hire companies; you should contact them to find out.

You should employ a qualified builder or scaffolding company to carry out the erection of scaffolding, and a qualified builder to do related building work.

Scaffolding licences

It is the responsibility of the builder or scaffolding hire company to get a licence for any scaffolding that is put up on the highway (this includes the pavement). However it's your responsibility to check they have this legal document and that it does not run out before the building work is finished.

Contact your local authority to apply for more information about this licence.


Employing qualified people to erect your scaffolding and carry out building work should help to make sure your building site is a safe place. However you should discuss safety issues with the person or company you employ. In particular, be aware of the following points:

  • scaffolding should be erected on a firm, level foundation
  • if there is a risk to the public, schedule scaffolding work for quiet times or get a highway closure your local council
  • it is dangerous to erect scaffolding too near power lines
  • boards used should be British Standard BS2482
  • avoid building waste falling on passers-by by keeping scaffold boards clear
  • ladders should be strong, secure and in good condition - domestic ladders are generally not suitable
  • heavy or bulky loads shouldn't be carried up and down ladders
  • scaffolding structures should be checked weekly, and inspected after alterations, damage and extreme weather conditions
  • components should never be removed

Building regulations

Contact your local council for details of any building regulations you may need to consider, like the 'materials and workmanship' regulation or the 'access to and use of building' regulation.

You also need to make sure you have any necessary planning permission for the building project your scaffolding relates to. Your local council will be able to advise you on this.

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