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The number of cyclists seriously injured has increased in recent years. In 2011, 92% of cyclist KSIs (killed and seriously injured casualties) occurred in accidents involving another vehicle (usually a car).

The facts

  • The number of cyclists killed fell by 4 per cent from 111 in 2010 to 107 in 2011.
  • The number of cyclists reported to the police as seriously injured in a road accident increased by 16 per cent to 3,085.
  • Pedal cyclist traffic levels are estimated to have risen by 2.2 per cent over the same period.


THINK! advice for when you're driving

  1. Look out for cyclists, especially when turning - make eye contact if possible so they know you’ve seen them
  2. Use your indicators - signal your intentions so that cyclists can react
  3. Give cyclists space – at least half a car’s width. If there isn’t sufficient space to pass, hold back. Remember that cyclists may need to manoeuvre suddenly if the road is poor, it’s windy or if a car door is opened
  4. Always check for cyclists when you open your car door
  5. Avoid driving over advanced stop lines – these allow cyclists to get to the front and increase their visibility
  6. Follow the Highway Code including ‘stop’ and ‘give way’ signs and traffic lights

THINK! advice for when you're cycling

  1. Ride positively, decisively and well clear of the kerb – look and signal to show drivers what you plan to do and make eye contact where possible so you know drivers have seen you
  2. Avoid riding up the inside of large vehicles, like lorries or buses, where you might not be seen
  3. Always use lights after dark or when visibility is poor
  4. Wearing light coloured or reflective clothing during the day and reflective clothing and/or accessories in the dark increases your visibility
  5. Follow the Highway Code including observing ‘stop’ and ‘give way’ signs and traffic lights
  6. THINK! recommends wearing a correctly fitted cycle helmet, which is securely fastened and conforms to current regulations