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If your bike is too big, or the saddle or handlebars are in the wrong position, you won't be able to control it properly. You should also regularly check your bike to be sure it's in good working order. Get advice on making sure your bike is ready to ride.
You need to be comfortable and able to stop safely on your bike so make sure it's the right size for you. Try standing over the frame of the bike. If it's the right size, you should be able to:
Your saddle (seat) and handlebars should be set at a height that's comfortable for you. Try placing one heel on the pedal. Your leg should just straighten when the pedal is furthest from the saddle. Make sure you don't raise the saddle high enough to see the height limit mark on the seatpost. If the saddle needs to be this high for you to sit comfortably, your bike is probably too small.
Do the following checks on your bike regularly to make sure it's in good working order.
Lift the front end of the bike by the handlebar stem and then:
If you have a front mudguard, there should be at least 5 millimetres between the front mudguards and the tyre. Remove the mudguard if it rubs against the tip of your shoe when you pedal.
Lift the rear of the bike by the saddle and go through the same checks for the back wheels.
Apply the front brakes. Check that the:
Apply the back brake and go through the same checks. The back tyre should slide, not roll, when you apply the brakes and push the bike forward.
All the parts on the handlebars should be tight and you should be able to steer freely. Release the brakes, stand in front of the front wheel and grip it between your knees. Then make sure nothing is loose when you try to:
Move towards the rear of the bike and hold the saddle tightly. Check that you can't move it up and down or from side to side. If it moves, tighten it.
Ask someone to work the pedals by hand while you hold the rear wheel off the ground by the saddle. Then:
Make sure the chain isn't hanging off, broken or rusty. Lubricate the chain with some oil if necessary.
If you need help maintaining your bike, visit your local cycle shop for advice. You'll also learn how to do a bike check if you get some cycle training.
To keep your bike secure you'll need two different locks, like a strong D lock and a sturdy chain lock. For advice on what to look for when choosing a lock and how to secure your bike, follow the link below. Or watch a video from the London Cycling Campaign (LCC) about how not to lock your bike.
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