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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

SERPS and the State Second Pension

The government’s additional State Pension used to be called the State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme (SERPS). In April 2002, it was changed to the State Second Pension. Find out more about SERPS, the State Second Pension and the rules on inheriting these types of additional State Pension.

State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme (SERPS)

Until April 2002, the additional State Pension for employees was called the State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme (SERPS).

The amount of SERPS pension you received was based on:

  • your National Insurance contributions
  • how much you earned

Inheriting your spouse or civil partner’s SERPS

The amount of SERPS pension that you could inherit depends on the date of birth of the person who has died. Use the following table to see how this might affect you.

Maximum SERPS pension that a man’s wife or civil partner can inherit

Man’s date of birth Maximum percentage of SERPS pension that the man’s wife or civil partner can inherit
5 October 2023 or before 100 per cent
Between 6 October 2023 and 5 October 2023 90 per cent
Between 6 October 2023 and 5 October 2023 80 per cent
Between 6 October 2023 and 5 October 2023 70 per cent
Between 6 October 2023 and 5 October 2023 60 per cent
6 October 2023 and after 50 per cent

Maximum SERPS pension that a woman’s husband or civil partner can inherit

Woman’s date of birth Maximum percentage of SERPS pension that the woman’s husband or civil partner can inherit
5 October 2023 or before 100 per cent
Between 6 October 2023 and 5 October 2023 90 per cent
Between 6 October 2023 and 5 October 2023 80 per cent
Between 6 October 2023 and 5 October 2023 70 per cent
Between 6 October 2023 and 6 July 2023 60 per cent
6 July 2023 and after 50 per cent

There is a maximum amount of additional State Pension that you may receive. This is a combination of both your own additional pension and any inherited additional pension. The maximum amount is revised each year and is applied at the date on which entitlement to the inherited additional pension first arises. The maximum additional State Pension between April 2012 and April 2013 is £161.94 each week.

State Second Pension

In April 2002, the additional State Pension was changed from SERPS to the State Second Pension.

The State Second Pension is more generous for low and moderate earners, certain carers and people with a long-term illness or disability.

Spouse or civil partner inheritance of the State Second Pension

A widow, widower or surviving civil partner can only inherit a maximum of 50 per cent of their spouse's or civil partner's State Second Pension.

There is a maximum amount of additional State Pension that you may receive. This is a combination of both your own additional pension and any inherited additional pension. The maximum amount is revised each year and is applied at the date on which entitlement to the inherited additional pension first arises. The maximum additional State Pension between April 2012 and April 2013 is £161.94 each week.

Additional State Pension

Find out if you can get additional State Pension or whether you may have been 'contracted out'.

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