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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

The Individual Vehicle Approval scheme

If you import or build motor vehicles individually or in very small numbers, the Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) scheme could apply to you. The IVA inspection checks that your vehicle meets UK standards so that you can register it. Find out how the scheme works and who can use it.

How the IVA scheme works

The IVA inspection checks that your vehicle is designed and constructed to meet modern safety and environmental standards for use on UK roads.

Examiners from the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency do inspections at approved sites in Great Britain. The Driver Vehicle Agency does inspections in Northern Ireland.

If your vehicle passes an IVA inspection, the examiner issues an Individual Approval Certificate. You can then register your vehicle with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency using the certificate.

Who can use the IVA scheme

You can use the IVA scheme if you:

  • build, design or sell kit cars
  • import cars from outside the European Union - particularly the Far East and North America
  • rebuild older cars with major changes
  • specialise in converting new vehicles into wheelchair accessible vehicles
  • manufacture a small number of vehicles
  • manufacture or import trailers
  • manufacture or import passenger vehicles
  • manufacture or import goods vehicles

You can find out more about the IVA scheme and other vehicle type approval schemes on the Business Link website.

Vehicles that can use the IVA scheme

The IVA scheme applies to the following vehicle types, including vehicles used for personal use:

  • passenger cars and light goods vehicles
  • larger passenger vehicles like buses and coaches
  • medium to heavy sized goods vehicles like trucks and heavy goods vehicles
  • trailers

Start dates for the IVA scheme

The IVA scheme will replace the current Single Vehicle Approval (SVA) scheme over the next few years.

The IVA will be introduced to different vehicles at different dates, but is available as an option to other approval schemes until the introductory date.

IVA start date

Type of vehicle

29 April 2023

Passenger cars

29 October 2023

Larger passenger vehicles

29 October 2023

Light goods vehicles – these will still be checked under the Single Vehicle Approval (SVA) scheme until it is replaced by the IVA scheme

29 April 2023

Special purpose vehicles, like a vehicle that has a special provision to accommodate a wheelchair

29 October 2023

Medium to heavy goods vehicles and trailers

If you currently use the passenger car or light goods vehicle SVA scheme you will need to start using the IVA scheme at the appropriate time.

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