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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Tax credits calculator - find out how much you can get

This calculator tells you roughly how much tax credits you could get in total, from today's date to the end of the 2012-13 tax year. You'll see your result as a lump sum. The calculator uses current rates (it can't calculate tax credits for future years). It will be updated from 6 April 2013. It should take 10-15 minutes to complete.

Important information about the calculator

It’s important to remember that the calculator can only give you an estimate of what you might get, based on the answers you give.

You should take care to answer the questions correctly, as this could make a difference to the result you get. There are also some extra steps you may need to take before you answer some of the questions. These are explained in the sections below.

Before you start

Before you start, it's a good idea to have the following information to hand:

  • details of your income and, if you have one, your partner's income - your P60(s) for the year ended 5 April 2023 would be ideal
  • details of any benefits you are claiming, or have just stopped claiming
  • your usual working hours
  • the average amount you spend each week on childcare

Tax credits calculator

If your income is likely to go down this year

The calculator asks you for your income for the last tax year. But if your income for this tax year is likely to be lower, you might need to type in a different amount.
Follow the guidance that applies to you below, to help you find out what amount to type in. This will help you get a better idea of how much tax credits you could get.
This tax year is 6 April 2023 to 5 April 2013.

Drop in annual income of more than £2,500

Step one. Take your lower income.

Step two. Add £2,500 to it. This is because the Tax Credit Office ignores the first £2,500 of the income drop when working out your payments, but the calculator can’t.

Step three. Type your answer into the calculator.

For example, your income for the last tax year was £30,000. But you estimate that your income will drop to £20,000 for this tax year (6 April 2023 to 5 April 2023). You need to type £22,500 into the calculator. This is worked out like this:

£20,000 + £2,500 = £22,500.

Drop in annual income of £2,500 or less

Enter last year’s income into the calculator.

For example, your income for the last tax year was £23,000. You estimate that your income will drop to £21,000 for this tax year (6 April 2023 to 5 April 2023). You should type your income of £23,000 into the calculator, because the drop in your income is less than £2,500.

When you make your claim

It's important to know that when you make your actual claim, you must enter last year's income on the form. Your first tax credits award is always based on your previous year's income.

Once you've got your award notice, tell the Tax Credit Office straight away if your income is going to be lower. You can do this by calling the Tax Credit Helpline. Your lower income could mean your payments go up - but it depends on how much your income goes down by.

If you pay childcare costs

If your childcare costs vary from week to week, do not use the worksheet provided with the calculator. You can get help with working out your average weekly costs instead by:

  • going to the guide 'Childcare costs - how to work them out for your tax credits claim'
  • calling the Tax Credit Helpline

If you or your partner are ill or disabled

The calculator will ask if you are disabled, and it's best to check if this applies before you start. Answer 'yes' if any of the following apply:

  • you get the Highest Rate Care Component of Disability Living Allowance
  • you get the Higher Rate of Attendance Allowance
  • you're ill or disabled and meet the conditions set out in 'You have a disability - can you get extra Working Tax Credit' (follow the link below)

If you're in a couple

The calculator will also ask if one of you is 'incapacitated', in an in-patient in hospital, in prison or entitled to Carer's Allowance.

Check if one of you is classed as 'incapacitated' before you start by following the link below.

If you need further advice

If you're not sure how to answer these questions, you can call the Tax Credit Helpline for advice.

If you're a couple and one of you is 'subject to immigration control'

Don't use this calculator if you're in a couple and both of the following apply:

  • you're not responsible for any children
  • one of you is 'subject to immigration control'

If this applies to you, contact the Tax Credit Helpline to find out how much you might get.

Your results

This calculator will give you an idea of how much you could get, based on the information you give.

The figure you see will be the total amount you could get between today's date and 5 April 2013. It is calculated using the current tax credits rates.

Although you will see your result as a lump sum, this will normally be paid in instalments every four weeks.

You can only order a claim pack by calling the Tax Credit Helpline. You can't apply online.

Once you've filled out the claim form, if you qualify, you’ll get an award notice telling you what your payments will be.

Entitlement at a glance

You can also get an idea of the tax credits you could get by using some 'at a glance' entitlement tables. The tables show roughly what you could get in total for the whole year ending on 5 April 2013.

Provided by HM Revenue and Customs

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