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Up to £85,000 of personal savings will now be guaranteed should a bank, building society or credit union go bust. Find out more about the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
How to organise your personal finances, identify goals and make the best use of your money
Find out how setting financial goals can help with overall financial planning, and how to match financial products and goals
Buying or moving home - budgeting for one-off and monthly costs
Types of savings and investments to consider when you give money to your children or grandchildren - and how the income is taxed
An overview of children's saving schemes, including their tax implications
Why it's important to make a will, what happens if you don't and the advantages of wills and trusts for financial and other planning
Shopping around for financial products without using a financial adviser - where to start and what to look for
Types of financial adviser, where to find one and what information and documents they must give you