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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

The right to request flexible working

Flexible working can benefit both you and your employer. Find out about the various ways you could work flexibly, if you have the right to request it and how to make an application.

Who can request flexible working?

Flexible working describes a range of working patterns which can benefit you with your work-life balance. Find out if you have a statutory (legal) right to make a flexible working request.

Flexible working: making an application

If you have a statutory right to make an application for flexible working there is a process you must follow. Find out about making your application and the information you should include.

Flexible working: the outcome of your application

Your employer should follow a set process in considering your application. If your application isn’t accepted your employer should discuss it further with you. If your application is rejected you have the right to appeal on a number of grounds.

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