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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Flexible working: making an application

If you have the right to apply for flexible working and want to make an application, there is a process you must follow. When making your application, you should try to include information about the benefits flexible working could bring to you and your employer.

Making your application

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When making your application you must confirm that you either:

  • have responsibility for the upbringing of the child and you are either the mother, father, adopter, guardian or foster parent or are married to or the partner of them
  • care for, or expect to be caring for, a spouse, partner, civil partner, relative or someone who, though not related to you, lives at the same address as you

Your application must:

  • be made well in advance of when you want it to take effect
  • be in writing (whether on paper or electronically)
  • be dated
  • state that the application is made under the statutory right to request a flexible working pattern
  • give details of the flexible working pattern you are applying for, including the date from which you want it to start
  • explain what effect you believe the new working pattern would have on your employer, and how any effects might be dealt with
  • state whether you have made a previous application and, if so, when

The more notice you give your employer, the more likely they will be able to implement the change when you want it. The statutory process can take up to 14 weeks or longer where a problem arises.

However, you do not have to:

  • provide evidence that you have a parental or caring responsibility
  • demonstrate why the care cannot be provided by someone else

You can make an application by:

  • filling in a form given to you by your employer
  • filling in the standard form provided
  • sending the required information to your employer in a letter or email

What to include in your application

It is always helpful to provide your employer with as much information as possible in your application, including what the benefits to the business might be.

Think about what effect any changes will have on your job. You should aim to show that your plans would not harm the business and may in fact enhance it. It may mean, for example, that you are available to provide extra cover at peak hours, so improving customer service.

Your employer should take the decision on whether or not your request can be granted on business grounds rather than your personal circumstances.

You are only allowed one application a year regardless of whether a previous application was made for separate caring responsibilities.

Any changes to your working pattern will normally be permanent, unless you agree otherwise. Making a permanent change to your contract of employment is a big step, and should not be entered into lightly. If you have concerns about this you might suggest to your employer that a trial period of working flexibly might be appropriate.

Withdrawing an application

If you decide to withdraw your application for flexible working, you should notify your employer as soon as possible, and in writing, to avoid any misunderstandings.

Your application will be treated as withdrawn if you miss two meetings your employer arranges with you about your request.

Where to get help

For more information on where to get help with employment issues, visit the employment contacts page or find out about trade unions.

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