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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Do you have the statutory right to request flexible working?

You can always ask you employer for a new working pattern: this interactive tool tells you if your employer has a legal duty to consider your request.

'Flexible working' is a phrase that describes any working pattern adapted to suit your needs, it includes things like part-time working, flexitime and home working. If you have the statutory right to apply then your employer has a duty to properly consider your request.

Before you start

This tool will ask you a few questions to find out whether you have the statutory right to ask for flexible working. If any of the details you give here change, you may want to come back to the site to check how this will affect your rights.

Before you start, you need to know whether you're an employee. 'Employee' has a specific legal meaning, so if you're unsure you should check the article below for more information.

Also remember that, even if you don't have the statutory right to ask for flexible working, your employer may still offer it because they recognise the value of keeping good employees.

Your rights to request flexible working

This tool should take no more than five minutes to complete.

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