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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Grants and bursaries for adult learners

Depending on your circumstances and the course you’re doing, you may be able to get financial help through a grant. Grants don’t have to be paid back. Bursaries are similar to grants but are usually linked to a particular career or type of course - like Dance and Drama Awards or residential bursaries.


Discretionary Learner Support

If you’re aged 19 or over and are having trouble meeting the costs of your further education course you may get Discretionary Learner Support.

Fifty Plus In-work Training Grant

If you’re starting a new job at 50 plus after spending time out of work, you may be able to get a grant to help with work-related training costs.

Educational Grants Advisory Service

Some charities and trusts offer financial help, but their eligibility rules vary. The Educational Grants Advisory Service (EGAS) provides information and advice on sources of funding through their Directory, helpline and website.

General Federation of Trades Unions

The General Federation of Trades Unions Educational Trust has grants for full-time and Open University students of specific subjects within economic theory and history, industrial law, history and the principles of industrial relations.

Useful publications

You can also check:

  • the Educational Grants Directory (published by the Directory of Social Change)
  • the Charities Digest (Waterlow Information Services)
  • the Grants Register (Macmillan Press)
  • the Directory of Grant Making Trusts (Charities Aid Foundation)

These publications should be available in your local library.


Bursaries are similar to grants - but they’re usually linked to a certain career, qualification or type of course.

Dance and Drama Awards

Dance and Drama Awards are scholarships funded by the Young People's Learning Agency to help with fees for approved courses and living costs.

Support if you're studying away from home

If you need to study away from home because the course you want to do isn’t available locally, you may be able to get help with the cost of your term-time accommodation.

City & Guilds

City & Guilds offer a small number of bursaries each year to people who would like to study for a City & Guilds qualification. The bursaries can be used for costs like course fees, learning materials, childcare or travel. Applications are considered in April and September each year.

Grants and bursaries for higher education courses

If you’re doing a higher education course, the package of financial help available may include grants and bursaries as well as Student Loans.

You may qualify for an additional bursary if you’re doing a higher education qualification in social work, medicine or certain areas of healthcare - or a course of postgraduate Initial Teacher Training.

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