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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Exemptions from serving as a juror

Most people aged between 18 and 70 can be summoned as a juror. However, some people are not qualified for jury service.

Jury service

If you are in any doubt whether the following list applies to you, you can ask your doctor.

You don't qualify for jury service if you have, or had, any disorder or disability of the mind and, because of that condition:

  • you are currently a resident in a hospital or other similar institution
  • you regularly visit a medical practitioner for treatment
  • you are in guardianship under section seven of the Mental Health Act 1983
  • you lack the mental capacity, within the meaning of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, to make decisions required of a person serving as a juror

If you have been called for jury service and need more information, contact the Jury Central Summoning Bureau:

Jury Summoning, Freepost LON 19669, Pocock Street, London SE1 0YG

Telephone: 0845 803 8003 (Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm)

Calls are charged at local rate.


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