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Bogus callers, who may be any age and appearance, male or female, aim to trick or worry you into leaving your house or into letting them in, by making up stories.
Bogus callers may pose as water, electricity or gas-board workers, council workers or police officers; so they can steal money or property from your home. You can prevent this type of crime if you take precautions.
To reduce the risk of becoming a victim of this crime, remember the following three steps:
Stop before you open the door
Chain put it on
Check ask the caller for their identification - and check it by phoning the company they say they’re from - before letting them in. Use the phone number in the phone book, not on an identity card.
The government has produced advice which is available from your local council, police station and Neighbourhood Watch group.
You can phone the Scottish Executive's Crime Prevention Unit for general information on crime prevention and community safety on 0131 244 3995. The line is open Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
The crime prevention officer at your local police station, or the community safety manager at your local council, may also be able to help. You will find their addresses and numbers in the phone book.