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Anti-social behaviour includes abusive or noisy neighbours, littering and graffiti. It can leave you feeling intimidated, angry and frightened. Your council and the police can help. Find out what can be done and what you can do to stop it.
Anti-social behaviour includes things such as:
Anti-social behaviour doesn't just make life unpleasant. It can ruin lives and make whole areas feel unsafe.
If anti-social behaviour is a problem in your area, there’s a lot you can do to help put a stop to it.
You can:
If the situation is an emergency (if someone's life or health is threatened) call 999.
No matter how you report anti-social behaviour, all complaints are treated as confidential. So you don’t have to worry about your identity being revealed.
The council and police both need evidence of what's happened to you, so keep a note of problems. They should not ask you to do this indefinitely.
Once you have reported the problem, you should be kept informed of progress in your case.
Your local council and police work together with other services to stop anti-social behaviour in your area. These teams are called Crime and Disorder Partnerships in England, and Community Safety Partnerships in Wales.
You can find out what they're doing in your area, and compare the work of your local team to other teams around the country.
If you don't think enough is being done, you can use that information to challenge them, either by writing to them, or at public meetings.
Find out what's happening where you live by entering your postcode on the page linked below.
If you're a victim of anti-social behaviour, there are lots of organisations that can give you help and support.