Archive Website of the UK government

Please note that this website has a UK government accesskeys system.

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Registering a death

It's important to register a death as soon as possible, usually within the first five days. When you are bereaved, this may feel like a daunting task. These pages will help make it easier for you, as they give all the information you'll need about who can register a death and how to go about it, including the documentation needed.

The following information is for people who live in England and Wales. To find out about registering a death for residents of Scotland and Northern Ireland, please use the links below.

How to register a death in Scotland (opens new window)

How to register a death in Northern Ireland (opens new window)

These questions will ensure we give you the right information about how to register the death

Where did the death occur?
 The death occured in England or Wales
 The death occured in Scotland, Northern Ireland or abroad
Did the person die at home / in hospital or elsewhere?
 The deceased died at home / in hospital
 The deceased died elsewhere
Was the death expected?
 The death was expected
 The death was not expected

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