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Grown Ups

Why Tales of The Road?

Following a long tradition of hugely successful road safety campaigns, including the Green Cross Code Man and the Hedgehog family, the Department for Transport is proud to present Tales of the Road. The campaign is aimed at 6-11 year olds, however the road safety messages it presents are relevant to kids of all ages.

Research found that children in this age range need to understand the reasons for always using good road safety behaviour. The campaign therefore uses animated characters that are vulnerable to the real consequences of not following good road use. The key message is 'you need to use good road safety behaviour or you could come to real harm'. The campaign also demonstrates the correct road safety behaviours.

Use our toolkit to help children learn how to find "safe places to cross the road"

Four football clubs used THINK! materials in after-school clubs, in schools and on match days to help children learn how to "find safe places to cross the road". You can help too by downloading the toolkit.

First read the "Session Guide" for tips and advice, including which activities are best for younger and older children.

Activity tips:
1) print Map Game and cut around stickers - these can be stuck onto the game using blue tack or glue
2) road safety professionals can order reflectors from the THINK! catalogue while the public can request them through DfT Publicity

Your feedback is important to us so please send any completed "leader" and "children" feedback forms to DfT Publicity

Learning Together

THINK! Education is packed with road safety resources for teachers, parents and pupils, including education guidance, teaching ideas, interactive activities and worksheets.

THINK! Education Game

The 'Road Safety Matters' guide is your complete guide to making sure your child is safe on the road. Find out for yourself, then help them learn.

Think About Cycling

Almost half of children want to cycle to school, yet only 2% actually do. Ground-breaking local initiatives such as Bike It have developed easier, safer and healthier ways for children to get to and from school. Why not get involved with your Local Authority and find out how you can help bring safer cycling to schools in your area?

Get involved

Directgov Parents

Whatever your needs, Directgov Parents provides information and advice on all aspects of parenthood, from having a baby, childcare, the law, education, health, safety and much, much more.

Find out more

Fun stuff for you and your kids

Activity packs

Fun activities to print out and share with your kids!

Magazine features

Check out Tales of the Road in these popular kids' magazines!