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While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, neither Directgov nor the Department for Children, Schools and Families will liable for any expense, loss or damage (save where such exclusion of liability is proscribed by law) including but not limited to indirect or consequential losses as a result of you using this service or relying on its content

This is an aggregated service and, as such, your local authority (LA) has responsibility for the quality of the information provided in the service. If you find information which you believe is inaccurate or inappropriate or have concerns about a provider included here please contact your local authority.

Directgov is not able to recommend or endorse any of the providers listed. You should always check the details of services with providers themselves and ensure that you are satisfied with their services and that they meet your requirements.

Calculated distances

Please note that the distances shown in this service are "as the crow flies" from the entered postcode/location and do not take into account road layouts or any obstructions or detours needed.

Establishment position

The positioning of establishments as shown on the maps are an approximation of their actual position as the current values for these positions are held in Northing and Easting values.

License to re-use information

The information of this service can be re-used as set out in the terms of the PSI Click-Use Licence. To re-use any information please apply here.