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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Checklist including fees for collective passports

Have you confirmed that your group is eligible, nominated a Group Leader and Deputy, completed your application form and gathered together the supporting documents? Find out about fees and how to pay - and what to do once your collective passport arrives.

The basics

If you need a collective passport application form or information about supporting documents, please see:

  • ‘The application form for collective passports’
  • ‘Supporting documents for collective passports’

Before you apply please check whether:

  • you can use a collective passport in the country you intend to visit
  • there are any restrictions on your travel or where you can stay
  • you need visas


Rules about visas and the use of collective passports vary by country.

You should contact the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit to check their rules about collective passports and visas.

The fee

The fee for a collective passport is £39. This is for each application, not for each person included on the application.

Cheques and postal orders should be made out to ‘Identity and Passport Service’. If you are paying by cheque, you should write the name of your group on the back.

You can also pay by credit card using a downloadable credit card payment form. You can use this payment form only when applying for a collective passport. It is not acceptable for any other type of passport application.

Final checklist

Before you send your application to the Identity and Passport Service (IPS) please check you have included all of the following:

  • the printed paper copy of the application form – make sure the Leader and Deputy Leader have signed this and that you have already emailed the electronic version of the form to the Durham Office
  • a nationality questionnaire and parental consent form (CPNQ) for every child included on the collective passport
  • collective passport photo cards for every child (please check that all the cards are completed correctly and have been certified by the Group Leader)
  • the supporting letter
  • the fee

Once your collective passport arrives

Check it carefully. If there is a mistake on it, you should return it to the Durham office immediately with a letter explaining the problem.

If things change

If you need to amend your collective passport because something has changed, please return it to the Durham office with a letter explaining the circumstances. If you have any queries, you can contact the IPS Passport Adviceline on 0300 222 0000.

If your trip is cancelled or postponed but you arrange alternative travel within the same season, IPS will usually amend the passport free of charge. However, if IPS has to make several changes, like adding or deleting names, you will have to pay for a new collective passport (£39).

The address for the Durham Passport Office is:

Collective Passport Applications
Millburngate House
PO Box 302
Durham DH1 9ZL

If you lose your collective passport

You will have to apply again and IPS will issue a new collective passport and charge the full fee (£39).

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