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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Arrest and prison abroad

If a British national is arrested or detained overseas, the local British Consul will try to help. The Consul cannot get you out of jail, but will take action if your rights have been denied or abused.

If you are arrested

If you are arrested abroad, the first thing you should do is contact the British Consul. Give them as much information as possible about your situation. For example, you should try to provide:

  • the full postal address of the prison
  • details of any legal representative
  • information about the authorities responsible for the court proceedings

If you are arrested or detained for any reason, it is important to:

  • try to keep calm and be co-operative
  • not be abusive or violent, as this will make things worse
  • insist that the British Consul is told of the detention - this is your right as a British national
  • tell relatives or friends to contact the local British Consul or the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in London by telephoning +44 (0)207 008 1500

You may also wish to contact Prisoners Abroad, a charity for Britons detained overseas and their families.

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