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Chancellor George Osborne has delivered the June 2010 Budget. Read on for details of what was announced in the June 2010 Budget, and information on Budgets from previous years.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne delivered his second Budget on 23 March 2011, outlining how the government planned to raise and spend money during the 2011/12 financial year and beyond.
Click the link below for details of the changes he announced to taxes, spending, rules and regulations.
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The report in full, chapter-by-chapter and supplementary reports
In his Budget speech Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne outlined how the government plans to raise and spend money during the coming year.
For a breakdown of what was in the June 2010 Budget, follow the links below.
Alternatively, you can download the Budget Report in full.
The Budget sets out a five-year plan to rebuild the British economy based on the government’s values of responsibility, freedom and fairness. It shows how the government will carry out Britain’s unavoidable deficit reduction plan in a way that strengthens and unites the country.
The complete Budget Report contains the detailed text and figures behind the Budget announcements.
The documents are available in a PDF format. You can download the entire report in one file or chapter-by-chapter.
A video and a podcast with highlights of Chancellor George Osborne's June 2010 Budget speech are available.
Among the issued covered are public sector pay and pensions, welfare reform, alcohol duty, VAT and Capital Gains Tax.
To watch the video or listen to the podcast, follow the links below.
A tag cloud of the Chancellor's speech (
The text of the Chancellor's Budget statement can be found by following the link below.
Please note that it may not be an exact transcription of what he said in the House of Commons.
The rates and allowances for Income Tax and National Insurance contributions for the 2010-11 tax year were announced in the Pre-Budget Report in December 2009.
Follow the links below for Income Tax and National Insurance rates and allowances for the 2010-11 and 2009-10 tax years.
Find out more about Budgets and Pre-Budget Reports from previous years, including the March 2010 Budget.