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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

The photo for your driving licence

The photo you provide for your driving licence must meet specific standards. It may also need to be certified depending on the type of identification you are using to apply for your licence.

The type of photo you need to send

The photo taken must be:

  • recent and a true likeness of you
  • in colour, not black and white, against a light grey or cream background
  • clear, in sharp focus, free from ‘redeye’ and have no shadow in it
  • free of any reflection or glare from glasses
  • in good condition, not damaged, creased, torn or marked

You must:

  • face forward and look straight into the camera with your eyes open and nothing covering your face
  • look natural with no facial expressions eg smiling, grinning or frowning
  • have nothing covering your eyes eg hair or glasses frame
  • not wear sunglasses or tinted glasses
  • not wear a hat or cover your head unless for medical or religious reasons

Having your photo certified

If you’re providing identity documents other than an up-to-date passport, UK travel document or an EU/EEA identity card (apart from Sweden), you must get someone suitable to sign the back of your photo. The person signing your photo must also complete section six of your D1 form.

DVLA will make random checks on people who sign photocard driving licence applications.

If you're renewing the photo on your driving licence you won’t need the photo certified.

The person signing your photo

The person must:

  • live in the UK
  • know you personally (for at least two years)
  • not be a relative

Suitable people include:

  • a local business person or shopkeeper
  • a librarian
  • a professionally qualified person, for example, a lawyer, teacher or engineer
  • a police officer
  • a bank or building society officer
  • a civil servant
  • a minister of religion
  • a magistrate
  • a local councillor, MP, AM, MEP or MSP

If you have come to live in the UK within the last two years and you cannot have your photo signed by someone who has known you for at least two years within the UK, you should take all the documents to your nearest DVLA local office. They will sign your photo and fill in section six of the application form. The DVLA local office will send your application and original identity documents to DVLA Swansea.

Premium checking service

A Post Office® or DVLA local office can check your application if you don’t want to send your identification to DVLA through the post. This service isn’t available for online applications.

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