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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

The extended practical driving test

As a disqualified driver or rider, a court can order that you return to being a learner driver and take an extended practical driving test. The test is longer and more demanding and is aimed at checking your ability to drive.

How the court decides

Courts can order that you take an extended driving test if you’re convicted of dangerous driving offences or other offences involving necessary disqualification.

What will happen

At the end of your disqualification, you’ll need to

  • apply for a provisional driving licence and drive as a learner
  • pass a theory test for the category of vehicle in which you intend to take an extended practical driving test
  • pass the extended practical driving test

The practical test lasts for about 70 minutes and covers a wide variety of roads, usually including dual carriageways. You are advised to prepare by taking suitable instruction from an approved driving instructor (ADI).

There are higher fees for extended tests, so you must make it clear when you apply for a test which type of test you want.

Motorcycle riders

When your disqualification ends, you’ll need to complete compulsory basic training (CBT) again. This validates the motorcycle entitlement on your new provisional driving licence when it’s issued. This applies in all cases, even if you previously held full motorcycle entitlement. The DL196 ‘certificate of completion’, issued for completing your CBT before you were disqualified, is cancelled by the disqualification.

Bus and lorry drivers

If you are convicted of a dangerous driving offence and disqualified, you will lose your right to drive a bus and lorry. This is regardless of the type of vehicle being driven at the time of the offence. The decision about whether that entitlement can be regained is a matter for the Licensing Authority.

The options are:

  • the entitlement may be refused on the grounds that you have shown yourself to be an unfit and improper person to hold a vocational driving licence
  • the court may require you to take an extended car driving test to regain your category B entitlement (car driving licence)
  • you may be required to take a driving test for each additional category of vehicle that you want to drive
  • the additional category (categories) may be restored without further requirement, in exceptional circumstances

It’s important to remember that a vocational driving licence can’t be issued on its own. You must have a valid car driving licence for your vocational driving licence to be valid. If you lose your car entitlement you lose your vocational entitlement with it.

If you have to take a category B retest you can apply for a provisional licence at the end of the disqualification.

Rules for provisional driving licence holders

As a learner you must:

  • be supervised by a person who is at least 21 years old and has held (and still holds) a full driving licence for at least three years for the type vehicle you’re driving
  • display L plates, or D plates in Wales, to the front and back of the vehicle
  • not drive on a motorway
  • not drive a bus or lorry if you have only got a provisional car driving licence

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Thinking of learning to drive?

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