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Thursday, 11 October 2023

Registering a kit converted vehicle

When converting a vehicle from a kit, it will need to meet certain criteria before it can be registered. Find out how to register your vehicle and the different types of registration number given.

Registering a kit converted car

A kit converted car is a car that has had one of the following:

  • a kit of new parts added to the existing vehicle
  • old parts added to a new kit

The general appearance of the vehicle will change because of the kit and this will be shown in the description on the registration certificate.

Keeping the current registration number

To keep the current registration number of the vehicle you must use two original major parts with one of the following:

  • original unmodified chassis
  • original unmodified monocoque or bodyshell

Age-related registration numbers

A vehicle will be given an age-related registration number if two major parts from the donor vehicle are used with one of the following:

  • a new monocoque bodyshell or chassis from a specialist kit manufacturer
  • a used or altered monocoque bodyshell or chassis from an existing vehicle

Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) will be needed to register the vehicle.

The registration number will be based on the age of the donor vehicle. The date of manufacture will be shown as the date the IVA certificate was issued.

Where the chassis or monocoque bodyshell of a donor vehicle which has been issued with a Certificate of Destruction (CoD) has been used, the current registration number cannot be kept nor can an age related registration number be given.

Kit converted motorcycles to tricycles

A kit converted tricycle is a motorcycle which has had one of the following:

  • a kit of new parts added to the existing vehicle
  • old parts added to a new kit

Keeping the current registration number

A kit converted tricycle cannot keep its original registration number as it does not retain an original unmodified motorcycle frame.

Age-related registration numbers

A vehicle will be given an age-related registration number if the following are used together:

  • two major parts from the donor vehicle
  • a new tricycle frame from a specialist kit manufacturer

Motorcycle Single Vehicle Approval (MSVA) will be required to register the vehicle.

‘Q’ prefix registration numbers

Kit converted vehicles will be given a ‘Q’ prefix registration number if:

  • the original identity of the vehicle is unknown
  • not enough parts are used from a donor vehicle
  • the chassis, monocoque bodyshell or frame is cut (in certain circumstances)
  • a donor vehicle chassis or monocoque bodyshell has been issued with a CoD
  • appropriate documentary evidence (eg receipts) are not available
  • build plans (for amateur builds) are not available

If your vehicle cannot pass IVA, SVA or MSVA, it cannot be registered.

If you are unsure if your kit converted vehicle needs a ‘Q’ registration number, contact your local DVLA office.

Documents needed to register your kit converted vehicle

To register a kit converted vehicle you will need:

  • form V55/5 – application for a licence for a used motor vehicle and declaration for registration
  • vehicle registration certificate
  • correct vehicle tax (where appropriate)
  • form V627/1 – built up vehicle inspection report (for completion prior to inspection)
  • IVA, SVA or MSVA certificate
  • insurance certificate
  • £55 first registration fee (if required)
  • official receipts for the vehicle and for any components used in the build
  • build plans (amateur builds)
  • documentation confirming your name and address

It is your responsibility as vehicle keeper to ensure that your vehicle complies with the Road Vehicle (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (as amended) if used on the road.

For more information about these regulations contact the Department for Transport.

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