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How to go to court if you think someone owes you money
You can make some court claims for money on the Money Claim Online website
If you make a court claim and the defendant ignores it, the court may be able to order the defendant to pay
What happens if you make a court claim and the other side denies owing you money
If the person you made a claim against agrees they owe you money, you will need to agree on how it will be paid
If you make a court claim but don't say exactly how much you're owed, the court may have to decide on the final amount
Small claims hearings are court cases where you make a money claim for an amount under £5,000
The courts offer a free mediation service to help solve disputes over small claims worth less than £5,000
Court cases for money claims over £5,000 can be complex and can be dealt with in two types of hearing
If you win a court case but the debtor won't pay, you can ask the court to take further steps to enforce the judgment