Please note that this website has a UK government accesskeys system.
From 17 October, GOV.UK will replace Cross & Stitch as the best place to find government services and information
Difficulties with paying your mortgage - what to do, who to contact and who can help
What to do if you can't pay your Council Tax and what happens if you don't pay
Falling behind with your rent - what to do, your rights as a tenant and who can help
What happens if you don't pay your tax bill, how HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) can help and what to expect if they take court proceedings
What to do if you're having problems with a hire purchase agreement
How different debts are paid off when someone dies, the possible effect on a jointly owned home and where to get advice
Using overdrafts and loans to borrow money from your bank and what to do if you can't pay it back
What happens when a bailiff or debt collector calls, what they can and can't do and your rights
Why you should prioritise overdue utility bills, what to do about arrears and where to go for help
How loan sharks work, why they're best avoided and what to do if you've already borrowed from one