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Benefit fraud cost the country around £1.2 billion in 2010-11. If you think someone is committing benefit fraud, find out how you can report them and stop them taking money from the people who need it most.
Benefit fraud is when someone is dishonest in order to receive benefit or knowingly fails to report a change in their circumstances. This includes people who:
There are three ways you can report benefit fraud:
Complete an online form on the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) website.
Call the National Benefit Fraud Hotline (NFBH) on 0800 854 440. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. It is free and confidential. Lines are normally less busy before 9.00 am.
If you have speech or hearing problems you can use a textphone service on 0800 328 0512.
If you're a Welsh speaker you can contact the Welsh National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 678 3722. Open Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. Lines are normally less busy before 9.00 am.
If you would prefer to make your report in writing, you can send information to:
NBFH, PO Box 224, Preston, PR1 1GP
All reports of benefit fraud are treated in the strictest confidence.
Whether you use the online reporting form, call the hotline, or write a letter, you can choose not to give your contact details if you prefer.
It helps if you do provide your details because DWP can get back to you with any questions if this is necessary.
The law says that there has to be a good reason for investigating someone for benefit fraud - so you will need to give as much of the following information as possible:
The Fraud Investigation Service will look at the information you give. If you have given enough information, they will check the person's benefit claim.
The investigation might take some time, and the Fraud Investigation Service aren't allowed to tell you the outcome.
Sometimes no action is taken. It might be that the person has declared the change in their circumstances and their benefit is not affected by it.
The Fraud Investigation Service will only take action if they find the person has been committing benefit fraud. Action can include removing a person's benefits and taking them to court.
Find out more about the Department for Work and Pensions ‘Targeting benefit thieves’ campaign by using the link below.