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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Reporting problems with street names and numbering

Addresses are important as they give police, emergency services, and the general public a way of locating and referencing properties. Your council is the local street naming and numbering authority. Find out how to rename a street or report street naming problems in your area.

Renaming and renumbering streets

Sometimes it is necessary to rename or renumber a street. This is usually only done as a last resort when:

  • there is confusion over a street's name and/or numbering
  • a group of residents are unhappy with their street name
  • new properties are built in a street and there is a need for other properties to be re-numbered to accommodate the new properties
  • the number of named-only properties in a street is causing confusion for visitors and the emergency services

The link below will let you enter details of where you live and then take you to your local council website where you can find out more.

Reporting a problem with a street name sign

Your council is also responsible for making sure that street name plates are provided and fitted in suitable positions. If you have a problem with a street name sign or one is missing in your area or you should contact your local council. The following links will let you enter details of where you live and then take you to your local council website where you can find out more.

Naming your home

Provided your home already has a number, if you own the property you can add a name to it without contacting the council. Councils have no powers over house names, but advise that owners should not choose one similar or the same to any other house nearby.

The new name can be added to an existing postal address, but the postal number cannot be deleted from that address. The property name in this case will not officially form part of the property address - and the property number must still be displayed and used in any correspondence.

What if there is no house number?

House names alone are not liked by councils or the emergency services, as a number identifies the location of a property in a road more easily. Other than in exceptional circumstances, a house number should be prominently displayed so it can be easily read.

In the case of addresses where there is no number allocated, the allocated name forms part of the official address.

It is your responsibility to let personal contacts and your local council know about any official change or addition to your address.

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