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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Old adoption files and what they contain

Whether an adoption file still exists depends upon a number of factors, including how the adoption was arranged.

Adoption records

Up until the 1970s, adoptions could be arranged through an adoption society, local authority, or could be agreed privately via a doctor, solicitor, friend, or the mother herself. Some children were adopted by grandparents or other relatives, such as step-parents.

If your adoption was arranged through an adoption society or a local authority, records may still exist. Local authorities may have information about adoptions which took place in their area, even if they did not arrange them.

Originally adoption agencies kept records for 25 years, but they now keep records for 75 - 100 years. Court records were not kept indefinitely. However, in some instances old papers can be found and an adoption advisor may be able to tell you more about this.

If your adoption file exists, it is still not possible to know what information it contains as each case is different. There may be a great deal of information about your birth parents and the details surrounding your adoption, but you should be aware that there may also be very little.

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