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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Making payments from a Court Funds Office account

The Court Funds Office holds money in accounts for people who are unable to make their own financial decisions. Court-appointed deputies can use that money to pay for things like healthcare and living expenses. Find out how payments can be made from a Court Funds Office account.

Payments from children's accounts with the Court Funds Office

Money awarded as a result of a court case to someone less than 18 years old can be held in a Court Funds Office account. Find out more about children’s accounts using the link below.

Regular payments from a Court Funds Office account

Regular payments can be made automatically and are useful for costs like healthcare or nursing home fees.

Regular payments go directly to the bank account of the appointed deputy.

Limits on the size of payments

The Court of Protection may set limits on the size of payments. Any limits will have been included with the original court order. The Court Funds Office checks the account and court order to make sure that only the right amounts of money are paid.

Payments will be made automatically at regular times - monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually.

Scheduling payments

Regular payments are reviewed every two years. If you are appointed as a deputy, the Court Funds Office will write to you at the end of the two year period.They will ask if you would like to continue, change or cancel the payments.

The payments will continue automatically unless you decide to change them.

Setting up regular payments from a Court Funds Office account

You need to fill in form R to set up regular payments from a Court Funds Office account. You can download form R using the link below.

When filling in form R, make sure the following information is included:

  • name of the client - the person you are acting as a deputy for
  • case number - this can be found on the court order
  • any annual limit decided by the court - this can be found on the court order
  • any date your annual limit is renewed - this can be found on the court order
  • the ‘NEW’ box should be ticked to show this is a new regular payment
  • the amount of money to be paid, written in words and numbers
  • how often it is to be paid
  • the start date
  • your account details
  • your contact details

You must then sign and date the form.

Changing or stopping a regular payment from a Court Funds Office account

To change a regular payment – for example, to change how often the payment is made – you need to complete form R.

To change a regular payment, the ‘Amending’ box on the form must be ticked and the new details for the payment included.

To stop any regular payments, the ‘Stop’ box on the form must be ticked.

You must then sign and date the form and send it to:

Court Funds Office
G58 1AB

Making one-off payments from a Court Funds Office account

Deputies can request a one-off payment from an account. For example, to pay for a holiday for the person they are responsible for.

The Court of Protection might set a limit on the amount that can be paid. Any limit will be included on the original court order. The Court Funds Office will check that payments are no bigger than the limit that was set.

To request a one-off payment you need to fill in form P. You can download form P using the link below.

When filling in form P, make sure the following information is included:

  • name of the client - the person you are acting as a deputy for
  • case number - this can be found on the court order
  • any annual limit decided by the court - this can be found on the court order
  • any date the withdrawal limit is renewed - this can be found on the court order
  • the amount of money to be paid out written in words and numbers
  • the details of the account the money will be paid to
  • your contact details

You must then sign and date the form.

If you have not received a payment from the account before, you will also need to complete form A. You can download this form using the link below.

You need to provide the details of the account the money will be paid to. You also need to provide:

  • a copy of a bank statement from that account or a letter from your bank (no more than three months old)
  • a sealed copy of the court order

You must then sign and date the forms and send them to:

Court Funds Office
G58 1AB

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