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Thursday, 4 October 2023

Transcript of a humorous short film on the effects of climate change on one farmer

This short film shows how climate change and rising sea levels could affect a farmer in the UK. It demonstrates some simple ways to tackle climate change.

Description of film (transcript)

Voice over (Bob):

Oh yes.

Bob drives tractor into farmyard past burning tyres and parks.

Voice over:

Plimpton-on-Severn is a quaint village set in the rolling hills and meandering valleys of the Marches. However, climate change is threatening this peaceful environment.

You see, mankind's energy usage is increasing global warming. This causes the ice caps to melt, with rising sea levels threatening our entire region.

And we can cash in by developing Britain's newest seaside resort!

Bob enters farmhouse, picks up post (bills) and turns up thermostat.

Voice over:

All we need to do is waste energy. It's so easy!

Marjorie! Marjorie! Where's she gone now?

Hang on in there, it'll be worth it in the end.

Bob enters his office. Lucy comes downstairs and turns down the thermostat.

Voice over:

I have calculated that soon the coastline will reach this village, though most of Wales will be lost to the encroaching ocean.

However, far from this being a catastrophe, we can create a thriving tourism industry in the local area. World-wide economic disaster? Not for me, I'm going to fill me boots. The village of Plimpton-On-Severn could soon become Plimpton-On-Sea!

I have made it my personal mission therefore, to attempt to speed up climate change by any means necessary. For example, by wasting energy in the home. I always ensure that the lights are kept on at all times, even when I'm not in the room.

Bob goes to washing machine in utility, removes single red sock and replaces it with another single red sock. He switches the machine to boil wash.

Voice over:

The kitchen is an oasis of energy wasting opportunity.

Bob goes into the kitchen. Lucy comes into the utility and changes the programme on the washing machine. Bob takes some milk out of the fridge and leaves the fridge door open.

Voice over:

If I am making myself a cup of tea or coffee, I ensure that the kettle, or kettles, are filled right to the top. I also try to keep as many electrical appliances working at all times. Oh, and if I fancy a cuppa, I always remember to leave the fridge door open while making the brew.

Lucy comes into the kitchen behind Bob, closes the fridge door and switches off the appliances. Bob looks into the sitting room.

Voice over:

I have recently discovered that leaving my televisions in standby mode can burn up between 10 to 60 per cent of the energy they use whilst switched on. Mind you, to be on the safe side I just leave them on all the time.

Voiceover (on television):

And now on Rural TV, it's time for Love Island.

Voice over:

That doesn't mean to say I have to watch them though.

Bob picks up a phone charger in the hall.

Voice over:

Ooh and I've discovered this little beauty! When plugged in it uses energy even when it's not connected to anything, brilliant!

Plugs phone charger into socket.

Voice over:

Note to self; enquire about Plimpton-On-Sea rock: something bright and sickly, made from non-sustainable products!

Cut to Bob striding across a field with a chainsaw. He starts up the chainsaw and walks towards a wind turbine with the intention of sawing it down. Cuts back to Bob leaning on his garden fence with his ‘Kiss me Quick’ hat on.

Voice over:

So there you have it. By NOT doing your bit to stop climate change you are helping make me a very rich man. But the good news is, you don't have to do anything!

That's right! Carry on living the lifestyle that you do now will do the trick. As fuel and energy prices continue to rise it’ll cost you a few bob. But when you think of the potential of this new seaside resort, it'll be well worth the wait!


Bob runs across the field in his swim trunks towards Marjorie his pig, clutching a bottle of sun tan lotion.

Voice over:

Ah, there you are Marjorie! It's going to get very sunny very soon, what with all this climate change. Come on Marjorie, time for your suntan lotion.

Cuts to Lucy.

Voice over (Lucy):

Now that's what I call a waste of energy.

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