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If you are not sure whether you are an 'employee', 'worker' or 'self-employed' you can read the statements below to help you decide. If you think the majority of the statements apply to you, then it is likely that you are self-employed.
If you agree with most of these statements below, then it is likely that you are self-employed:
The statements use the example of work done for a 'company'. However, they apply equally if you work for a sole trader, partnership or any other form of business organisation.
If you are not sure whether you are self-employed, you can read the following example situation. If it describes something similar to your working arrangement, it is likely that you are self-employed.
Sue is a plumber. She works for a variety of different customers and provides quotes in order to win new business. She provides an overall time estimate for each job, but chooses what hours she is going to work. She is paid gross and pays her own tax and National Insurance.
She generally does the work herself and provides all of her own tools. However, if she is particularly busy, she calls in an assistant plumber to do the work - she is not obliged to do it all herself.
'Gross pay' is your pay before any deductions, for example tax or National Insurance.
If you are genuinely self-employed you do not generally have any employment rights because you are, in effect, your own boss.
You will benefit from protection for your health and safety and, in some cases, protection against anti-discrimination.
Your rights and responsibilities are governed entirely by your contract with the party who engages you.
If the statements or example do not describe your work situation try reading the other articles in this section.
If you have read the other articles and you are still not clear contact Acas (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service). Acas is able to offer free, confidential and impartial advice on all employment issues, including employment status.