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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Permission to work in the UK

If you want to come to the UK to work you may need to apply for permission under the points-based system. Find out about the different tiers, and what you will need for your application.

Applying for a visa

Your right to work in the UK will depend on where you are from. Unless you are a British citizen or a citizen of one of the European Economic Area (EEA) countries, you may need a visa before you travel here.

If you are, or think you might be, a citizen of an EEA country you should read the 'European workers in the UK' article. This will explain who EEA workers are and what they need to know before working in the UK.

If you have to get a visa, you will need to be cleared by officials at a British Overseas Mission in your national country. Once cleared, the entry clearance certificate, or visa, will be put into your passport or travel document.

Non-EEA and non-Swiss nationals

If you want to work or study in the UK and are not from an EEA country or Switzerland, it is likely you will need to apply under the points-based system.

Points-based system

There are five tiers in the points-based system:

  • Tier 1 - high-value migrants/highly skilled workers, such as scientists and entrepreneurs
  • Tier 2 - skilled workers with a job offer, such as nurses
  • Tier 3 - currently suspended
  • Tier 4 - students
  • Tier 5 - temporary workers such as musicians coming to play in a concert and participants in the youth mobillity scheme

For more information see the UK Border Agency website.

Family members

Relatives of non-EU workers in the UK do not have an automatic right to work in the United Kingdom. If you are in this category, you may need to apply for a residence card before having the right to work here under European law.

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