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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

About jobs in the construction industry

If you enjoy being part of a team, or like to work with machines, you might want to consider working in construction. Find out about real people’s experiences, where to get careers advice and how to get help finding a job.

Is construction for you?

If you have drive, determination and ambition to learn, work hard and earn good money, the construction industry could be for you. Offices, houses, shops, roads and bridges will always need building and repairing. There are over 700 different types of jobs in the construction industry, for all kinds of people aged 16 upwards.

Here are some positive comments from real people currently working in the construction industry:

David Raynor, Clerk of Work

"It’s my job to check that building work is done properly. I get to travel all over the country. It’s a great way to meet lots of interesting people."

Imran Khan, Estimator

"I price up work and prepare tenders. My work involves lots of phone contact with contractors. It’s a great feeling when we win a contract."

Construction: the facts

People often have fixed ideas about different jobs. But it’s always important to get the facts. Here are some common misconceptions answered by the real facts:

  • "There are no vacancies right now" - there are still a variety of jobs available in a number of roles in the construction industry
  • "It’s dirty and dangerous" - many jobs are hands-on and there are lots to choose from, good companies always provide training to keep employees safe and well
  • "Construction jobs are for men only" - nearly 200,000 women work in the construction industry, there are lots of good jobs out there
  • "You have to pass exams to get a job" - you could train on the job or go to college, it’s your choice

Advantages of working in the construction industry

There are many advantages to working in construction including:

  • excellent opportunities - there are still a variety of jobs available in the construction industry
  • good pay and opportunities - if you work hard you can move up the career ladder and could even set up your own business

Real-life examples

Julie Bond, Apprentice Bricklayer

"As an apprentice I train on the job. I build and repair walls and chimney stacks for houses, shops and offices. It’s great to watch your work grow in front of your eyes. I get £16,000 now and I could earn £30,000 when I’m fully qualified."

Andy Summers, Site Manager

"I started out as a labourer. Now I’m in charge of the whole site. I need to be good at leading teams, planning and organising. I make sure everyone on my site is happy, safe and working hard. I’m paid £28,000 which is a good wage, but I can progress to bigger sites and earn even more."

Careers advice and job profiles

You can find more information about specific job roles within construction by using the careers advice and job profiles link below:

Find a job in this sector

Find out more about training and careers in the construction industry by visiting the websites below:

To search for jobs available in this sector, use the 'Start a jobs and skills search' link below. Or talk to a Jobcentre Plus adviser by calling 0845 606 0234.

They can also tell you what help and support is available to you to help you into work.

Additional links

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Try GOV.UK now

From 17 October, GOV.UK will be the best place to find government services and information

Starting a franchise

If you are interested in becoming self-employed, franchising may be an option worth considering

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