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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Where to look for jobs

The most successful jobseekers are people who don't give up in their search and know all the places to look for work. There are a number of ways you can search for jobs, including online.

Search the internet

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Search for a job now using the jobs and skills search

New jobs are being filled as quickly as they appear. It’s important you look regularly to make sure you don’t miss an opportunity.

Cross & Stitch has one of the UK's largest databases of job vacancies, which is updated constantly. Search the database and find a job to suit you using the jobs and skills search.

Many companies advertise jobs on the internet through their own websites, recruitment websites or online job boards owned by newspapers. Find out more about applying for a job online following the link below.

If you don’t have access to the internet at home, you can still use the internet in a UK online centre or in a library. UK online centres are based in your community. You can find your nearest UK online centre by following the link below.

Jobcentre Plus

Jobcentre Plus advisers can tell you about jobs in your local area and in other places. Once you find a job you’re interested in, they'll tell you how to apply. If possible, they will ring the employer there and then to arrange an interview or send you an application form.

To use the phone service ring 0845 6060 234. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8.00 am and 6.00 pm (lines are normally less busy before 9.00 am).

If you are deaf or hard of hearing or have speech difficulties you can use the Jobcentre Plus textphone: 0845 6055 255.

If you speak Welsh you can phone 0845 6067 890. If you speak Welsh and you are deaf or hard of hearing or have speech difficulties dial the textphone: 0845 6044 022.

Local newspapers

Find out which day the local paper comes out and the days it advertises jobs. Newspapers also keep you up to date on which companies are moving into the area and which are expanding. You can use this information to apply to those companies before they advertise to see if there are any jobs available.

You may want to contact a company for more details about a job after reading an article in the local press. Follow the link below for more advice on how to write a letter.

Register with a recruitment agency

Recruitment agencies advertise short and long-term jobs and some specialise in particular areas of work. If you register with the relevant agencies in your local area you’ll be kept up to date on the latest vacancies available. For more information on recruitment agencies follow the link below.

Word of mouth

People you know can give you useful information about job hunting. It’s worth talking to them about the type of work you’re looking for, your skills and experience. They may know about a suitable vacancy or think of you when they hear about vacancies in the future. They may also be able to put in a good word for you at the company where they work.

Networking events and conferences are also a good way of meeting new contacts. Before attending the event, you should think about what you want to get from it. You should also take a few copies of your CV along with you.

Approaching employers

A large number of jobs are never advertised, so it is worthwhile contacting companies to ask if they have any vacancies. A benefit of doing this is that you’re not competing against a large group of people, like you would if the job was advertised. Employers are used to people asking questions about jobs, so if they can find somebody without advertising it saves them time and money.

Online networks

Some employers now use social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter to recruit new staff. To take advantage of this, make sure you’ve signed up with a relevant social networking site and create a profile that will impress potential employers.

Watch the 'How to use Social Media to get a job' taster film to find out more.

On your mobile phone

If you have an Android phone or iPhone, you can download a free job search app and search for jobs on your phone. The app allows you to search through all the jobs held by Jobcentre Plus. It also lets you add jobs to your favourites and email jobs to yourself to apply for later.

Keeping track of your progress

Keeping track of your job search is a good idea as it helps you remember who you have approached, and what the response was. You can also record:

  • which day local papers advertise jobs
  • which recruitment agencies you have contacted
  • when trade journals come out
  • which friends have provided useful information

If you’re receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance while you’re out of work, you have to prove you are ‘actively seeking work’. Keeping a record of your job search will help show that you’re doing all you can to find work.

Provided by Jobcentre Plus

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