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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Special health and safety hazards

In addition to general duties that employers and employees have to themselves and each other to ensure health and safety in the workplace, there are regulations to deal with particular hazards and for industries where hazards are particularly high.

Some special health and safety regulations

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) lists a number of important pieces of health and safety legislation in its 'Health and safety regulation: a short guide'. These cover such things as:

  • the requirements for work with visual display units (VDUs) using protective clothing and machinery at work
  • using protective clothing and machinery at work
  • moving objects manually
  • the requirements for first aid and reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences
  • noise at work
  • electricity at work
  • the control of hazardous substances

Additionally, specific regulations cover particular areas, including lead, asbestos, chemicals, construction work, and gas safety.

Visit the HSE website for the many ways in which they can help you with particular issues like those listed above, including a helpline, their 'Ask an expert' service, and by ordering free leaflets.

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