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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Clearing: last-minute places at university or college

If you don't get the grades you need for your firm or insurance choices, 'Clearing' gives you another chance to secure a place at institutions with last-minute vacancies.

Your exam results

Clearing runs from mid-July until mid-September

UCAS supplies exam results to universities and colleges, so they can check whether you have achieved the grades you needed.

If you’ve missed your grades by a small margin, you may still get your place confirmed by your first choice university or college.

You may find you’ve been turned down by your first choice but accepted by your insurance choice.

Discuss your choices with the people that know you best - your family, friends and teachers or lecturers.

How Clearing works

If your first choice and insurance institutions turn you down, you can use 'Clearing' to find another place.

If you're eligible, you’ll see an ‘Add Clearing Choice’ button appear on your Track screen. If you’ve not yet submitted a UCAS application, you will need to do so before you can enter Clearing.

Looking for a course through Clearing

From the day the A level results come out in August, course vacancies are advertised on the UCAS website and in the national press.

After looking at vacancies, you should talk to the admissions staff at any universities and colleges with places available on courses you’re interested in. You should also let them have your Clearing Number.

Staff will be able to tell you whether they are prepared to offer you a place. If they are, and you want to accept it, you should enter details of the institution and course on Track.

You can only enter details for one choice. If a university or college confirms your place in Clearing, you are committed to taking up that place and you can't seek a place elsewhere.

However, if the university or college decides not to offer you a place in Clearing, the ‘Add Clearing Choice’ button will re-appear on Track and you will be able to apply for another course.

Open days

Universities and colleges may have open days or offer other opportunities for you to visit, see the facilities and meet the staff.

It's worth taking up these opportunities. You need to make sure you'll be happy to spend the next few years of your life studying there.

Financial help

If you accept a place through Clearing, you'll need to inform the people who are dealing with your application for student finance. In most cases, this will mean getting in touch with Student Finance England.

Additional links

Simpler, Clearer, Faster

From 17 October, GOV.UK will be the best place to find government services and information

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