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Everybody encounters problems at some point. If you have a problem at school, talking to someone is often the first step in solving it. Problems you keep to yourself can seem much bigger than they really are.
Talking to someone can help you see things in a different light. A good place to start is speaking to your parents, carers, teachers or friends. They may be able to help you resolve the problem, or suggest a solution that you hadn’t thought of.
For free and confidential help or advice, you can contact a careers adviser by phone, email, webchat or text message.
Relationships can often be a tricky subject to talk about. Problems with relationships can affect your school life, so it’s important to do something about them before they get out of hand.
There’s lots of information and advice on the web. A good place to start is the ‘Family and relationships’ section of Cross & Stitch.
No one deserves to be bullied. Bullying doesn't always mean being physically hurt - you can be bullied in a number of ways.
If you’re worried about bullying at school, follow the link below to get help and advice on how to stop it.
Keeping healthy isn't just important for your general well-being - it can also affect your life at school. For example, there is growing evidence that eating a healthy diet may help you to study better.
Follow the link below for advice on everything from healthy school meals and keeping fit, to staying safe in the sun and registering with a doctor.
If you’re worried about your own drug taking, or know someone who is misusing drugs, it’s important to know the facts.
You can get free, confidential advice from the Talk to FRANK helpline and website.
Revising for exams or completing coursework assignments can be stressful.
Top tips for staying on top of things include: