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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Communication difficulties contacts

Below is a range of organisations that offer advice and information for people with communication difficulties

ACE centre

ACE centre offers help and support for children who have complex physical and communication difficulties, and for their parents or carers.

AFASIC (Unlocking Speech and Language)

AFASIC is the UK charity representing children and young adults with communication impairments, working for their inclusion in society and supporting their families.

British Stammering Association

The British Stammering Association is a national organisation for adults and children who stammer.

Communications Forum

The Communications Forum promotes initiatives to increase awareness of communication issues among the general public organisations concerned with health, education and employment.


I CAN delivers a programme, integrated therapy and education for children with the most severe and complex needs, who require the most intensive and specialist support.

Makaton Charity

The Makaton Charity provides training for Makaton, a language programme offering a structured, multi-modal approach for the teaching of communication and language skills for people with a variety of communication and learning disabilities.

Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children

The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children is a national specialist centre funded by the Association for Research into Stammering in Childhood charity and the Camden & Islington Community Health Services NHS Trust.

National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society's objective is to provide education, treatment, welfare and care to people with autism and related conditions.


Supports people living with aphasia and their carers through its information service, national network of groups and activities programme

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