Please note that this website has a UK government accesskeys system.
You can use this service to find driving instructors who are approved and registered with the Driving Standards Agency (DSA).
You can use your postcode to find the nearest approved driving instructors (ADI) to you. In the search results you will see:
ADIs can sign up to the voluntary CPD scheme and code of practice.
If an ADI has signed up to CPD, it means they spend at least seven hours every year updating and refreshing their skills and knowledge.
If an ADI has signed up to the code of practice, it means that they agree to DSA's code which covers:
Not all ADIs appear on the tool. This is because ADIs can choose whether or not they want their details to appear online.
You should not use the tool to check if your ADI is registered with DSA. If you do want to check if they are registered, phone 0300 200 1122 and follow the prompts for 'instructor services'.
Provided by the Driving Standards Agency
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