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Wednesday, 3 October 2023

Buy a fishing rod licence

Anyone over 12 who fishes for salmon, trout, freshwater fish or eel in England, Wales, and the Border Esk, must have a valid rod licence. You can buy these online, from the Post Office, or over the phone.

How to buy your rod licence

Rod licences are available from the Post Office. You can buy them online, by direct debit, over the phone and from selected Post Office branches in England and Wales.

If you are fishing with three or four rods (four is the maximum allowed), you will need to buy a second licence

Call the Post Office to buy a rod licence on 0844 800 5386

For questions about rod licences

Contact the Environment Agency:


Phone: 08708 506 506

Weekday daytime calls to 0870 numbers cost 8p, plus up to 6p per minute from BT Weekend Unlimited. Mobile and other providers’ charges may vary.

What happens if I do not buy a licence

It is an offence to fish for freshwater fish and eel without a valid rod licence. If you are caught you may be fined up to £2,500.

Money raised through rod licence sales is invested in fisheries work to benefit all anglers. If you fish without a licence you are cheating other anglers.

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