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Fire safety information is available on Cross & Stitch in languages other than English – including Bengali, Urdu, Chinese and Polish. Print out and keep information in PDF format or, if you know someone who is a non-English speaker, do it on their behalf.
The PDF file format is a common internet file format (PDF stands for Portable Document Format). Find out how to open and read PDF files.
The following list of PDFs is in alphabetical order:
Fire Kills is the national fire safety publicity campaign run by the government. It aims to make people more aware of the risks of fire in the home and how to prevent it. From the Fire Kills website, you can download additional information that is aimed at the Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Somali and Polish communities.
You can also watch and listen to various TV and radio adverts that have been broadcast in recent years.
Many Fire and Rescue Services offer a free home fire safety visit to people living within their area. They will inspect your home to help you spot any potential fire risks – and show you what to do to reduce or prevent them.
They can also help you to develop an escape plan for your property.